AeroGarden Harvest Elite Review
AeroGarden Harvest Elite
When you buy the AeroGarden Harvest Elite it comes with the standard herb variety pack; this includes Genovese Basil, Thai Basil, Dill, Thyme, Curley Parsley, and Mint.
The housing is made out of plastic and as such it can all be scrubbed down and made ready for each and every different growing season.
It honestly takes hardly any effort to set up and maintain the AeroGarden.
The lighting system for the AeroGarden Harvest Elite is fully LED lighting, which means no bulbs to replace, ever!
Everything, aside from the water, comes in the box. This is truly a plug and play type of growing system.
Depending on the choice of color you choose, the price does go up. Although if you want to try your hand with at home hydroponics, that is what you are paying for.
Any version of the AeroGarden you buy seems to come with the standard herb starter pack, although there a number of different seed packs that you can buy directly through Miracle Grow, and they guarantee the seeds (I can’t say anything about the process concerning the guarantee as I have never had to use it). The seed packs that I have found are as follows; cherry tomato kit, salad variety kit, chili peppers kit, a salsa kit and just empty pods so that you can put your own seeds in and grow those. There also seem to be a huge number of aftermarket adaptions for a number of the models in case you wanted to use them for seed starting.
The AeroGarden Harvest Elite is super easy to set up and get going. You literally open up that packages, plug all the holes with the seed pods, fill with water and grow solution and set up the display. You are then reminded to water and feed it as needed so there is no need to mark your calendar.
An issue from the previous versions has been rectified for the newer versions. My mom had one of the AeroGardens when I was a kid and I remember her being unhappy with having to replace the lights when they burnt out, as they were expensive. Well now that it is LED, you no longer have to worry about that. LED’s commonly last 25000 hours or more so it should be able to make it through a number of growing seasons as needed. It also seems to function a bit as a SAD light on our kitchen counter, though it has never been touted as such, but the light sure does help wake me up in the morning.
I originally bought this because my girlfriend and I were going through a tonne of herbs, mostly going into the food she was making but enough to the Worm Factory 360, that I thought it might be a good idea to try our hand at growing some of our own herbs. I did look into the DIY method of building a hydroponic garden and nearly took on the task of building it but I was surprised by the cost of buying all of the material, which isn’t super expensive but being that I live in a condo wasn’t as feasible for me in terms of space.
The herbs that came with the AeroGarden Harvest Elite have been growing like weeds and we are constantly having to trim it and use what is being produced, which for the two of us is more than we can use usually.
I have been happy overall with the AeroGarden thus far, it is sucking up water like crazy two months into the growing season so be prepared. At least it lets me know when to water it though.
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